Dr. Emma Kun
Affiliation: Institute for Theoretical Physics IV, Ruhr University Bochum, Astronomical Institute, Ruhr University Bochum,
Current status: Postdoc
Publications: Follow-up on the Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidate J1048+7143: Successful Prediction of the Next Gamma-Ray Flare and Refined Binary Parameters in the Framework of the Jet Precession Model, Searching for temporary gamma-ray dark blazars associated with IceCube neutrinos, Signatures of a spinning supermassive black hole binary on the mas-scale jet of the quasar S5 1928+738 based on 25 yr of VLBI data, Detection of a Peculiar Drift in the Nuclear Radio Jet of the TeV Blazar Markarian 501, Multiwavelength Analysis of the IceCube Neutrino Source Candidate Blazar PKS 1424+240, Multimessenger Picture of J1048+7143, Neutrino Cadence of TXS 0506+056 Consistent with Supermassive Binary Origin, Multiwavelength Search for the Origin of IceCube's Neutrinos,
OrcID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2769-3591
Projects: Density-Dependence of the Temporal Structure in the Multimessenger Spectrum of Blazars,